Monday, September 6, 2010

Movin' in as our baby gets close to movin' out!

As I have mentioned many times, Janny and I have felt great peace and conviction about our decision to join Nieucommunties. Many are thinking, "I would hope so! You are moving to a new neighborhood, getting ready to have a baby, having to seek financial partnerships and jumping into a job that will impact all aspects of your life!!" So maybe we are just crazy, but we are surely seeing God's movement and affirmation in and through all of our interactions and transition.Although it took us two more weeks than we had hoped and a delay due to a strange insect that had made our new home its old home, we have officially moved into Golden Hill. Quick story: Before we had signed any leases, we stood in the backyard of a small complex of 4 condo-like units talking to the landlord. A couple minutes later, we heard our names being called from the window of the bottom unit. It happened to be an old friend who was good buddies with two of our former students from Salinas Valley Community Church who I had gotten to know pretty well back in the Monterey area! We couldn't believe it and we soon found out that he is now married and lived right below the unit we were considering. Long story short, we decided to sign the lease, are now neighbors with this couple and have already had great interactions the other two tennants. We see this being a beautiful opportunity to share life and God's story with those we will be sharing walls with. Also, we are just across the street from a home where four Nieucommunties apprentices live and they have already brought us food and offered a bunch of help in our move. Although our place didn't meet exactly what we were hoping for stucturally, it is right in the center of Golden Hill and clearly will foster some great relationships. Thanks for praying!

Nearly everyday we are offered meals and help moving from our new church community and we continue to be overwhelmed with the welcoming support and love they offer. After 7 days of moving/unpacking, Janny can FINALLY "nest" for a couple days before we meet our baby girl!

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