If I could show a slide show of the past 2 weeks of our lives highlighted by our endless "techniques" in getting our baby girl to flip from the breech position, it would be quite entertaining. Because breech babies aren't often delivered naturally anymore, we had until week 37 to figure out a way to get her to flip in order to avoid some extremely invasive procedures, most likely culminating in a C-Section. It has been our desire from day one to deliver naturally at a birthing center in downtown San Diego. So...we went to work!
All that being said and having NO idea what actually worked, we went to our midwife today feeling a bit discouraged as we had reached 37 weeks and were being sent to the hospital to get a manual version (basically a last shot at rotating the baby by a quite invasive physical manipulation which only works about half the time). As the midwife started feeling around the top of Janny's belly where Baby H's head has been, she looked up and said, "I think this is her butt!" Janny and I looked at each other thinking, "this midwife must be a rookie and clearly hasn't met our stubborn baby girl." Taking us to the ultrasound room to confirm her predictions, we looked at the screen and let out a holler that nearly shattered the windows. Baby H had definitely rotated and was ready to meet the world!!
Now, instead of burning incense on Janny's pinky's or diving into every pool in San Diego County, maybe we will be able to put a bit more attention towards our transition into our new community...in anycase, thanks for your prayers!
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