Monday, March 14, 2011

Making Community Real

This past weekend, NieuCommunities San Diego hosted a series of "conversations" that focused on building deep community as disciples of Jesus. While all NieuCommunities' staff and apprentices are required to go through this series of teachings, we were able to open them up to local churches, pastors and small group leaders. These are the titles and brief descriptions of each session:

“Towards Community,” we explored the stages of community and what it takes to move well through each stage.

“Myths of Community,” we looked at the myths (and realities) of community and talk about setting healthy, realistic expectations of community.

“Fellowship of the Mat,” we considered how to love each other well and create a sustainable, missional community.

Living in deep community can get messy and requires lots of communication and common commitment. It is being willing to release some personal ideals for the sake of the common ideals that God is calling us into. With that said, if we run from the hard stuff, we will never be around long enough to experience the richness of shared life and vocation.

Finally, we made clear that "deep community" is not the end goal. No, the end goal is a deeper communion with God and participation in his Kingdom. With that said, as disciples of Jesus, participating in deep community is a context that enables such communion and participation to take place.

It was a challenging, encouraging and hopeful time of learning alongside fellow Church leaders in San Diego.

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